VAT Business Loans

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Welcome to Fast Forward Finance

Fast Forward Finance is a business loans broker in the UK. We help businesses connect with lenders that can provide the funding they need for their business so that they can maintain their competitive advantage and avoid business interruption.

Through our access to a large number of independent lenders and decision-makers, we are in the right position to offer businesses loans brokerage services and business finance advice, especially in the area of VAT business loans.

If you have an emergency VAT bill to meet and don’t have enough funds in your business account or do not want to stretch your cash flow, you are on the right page. Not only do we aim to provide advice that will help you make only the right decisions, we aim to work with you to source for lenders that can provide the funds you need to handle your VAT payments.

A Trusted Capital Source for over Xnumber of Businesses

For XXX years, Fast Forward Finance has been providing VAT loans brokerage services to businesses in the UK.

We consistently strive to have hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses see us as a trusted source of business capital in the UK, which is why it is no surprise that an increasing number of businesses look to us for business loan solutions.

We take pride in our ability to provide value-added services and an unmatched customer service, going out of the way to see that our customers get the funds they need to keep their business in top shape.

A Proven Track Record in Providing Business Loans

Fast Forward Finance has an outstanding track record in providing business loans solutions to businesses of all sizes in the UK. In our more than XXX years of operating, we have succeeded in helping XXX number of businesses raise more than £XXX in business loans to meet their tax and VAT obligations.

We endeavour to tailor each and every one of our business loans to specifically suit the client so you can be sure that any loan deal we work out for you will be exactly what you need.

With strongly built relationships in the business loans industry, you can rest assured that we are consistently determined to have what it takes to handle the VAT loan needs of your business, irrespective of size or industry.

Why not get in touch to explore Vat business loan options today?

Our Business Finance Specialist Team

Fast Forward Finance’s dedicated team are business finance professionals who have supported companies across a range of industries, from manufacturing, haulage and logistics to retail, wholesale, security, healthcare and more.

Every single one of our staff be highly motivated, qualified individuals with the ability to provide expert business finance solutions. You may well find the loan to handle your business VAT with our expertise and experience working for you.

Let’s show you what choices we are offering. Talk with one of our staff about your credit score and company plans to see what we can do for you.

Still have Questions?

Please contact us or call us now on

VAT Business Loans Designed to help Manage your Cash Flow

VAT loans are a form of business financing used for paying VAT bills in order to prevent business cash flow from being overstretched. With a business VAT loan, expensive VAT payments can be spread out over a period of months, resulting in affordable monthly repayments that businesses can comfortably manage.

Using a VAT loan to minimise the cost of VAT on business finance will help in cash-flow management, which will in result in improved profitability, growth and expansion.

Here at Fast Forward Finance, we aim to support businesses with cash-flow management by providing them with suitable VAT financing solutions and facilities so that the business can have enough cash to handle other aspects of their businesses.

What is VAT?

VAT, or Value Added Tax, is the fee imposed on the selling of goods and services in the United Kingdom. It is a kind of ‘consumption tax’ because it is paid on items that people purchase, and it is also an ‘indirect tax’ because it is collected on behalf of the government by businesses.

How does a VAT Loan work?

As with every business financing solution, a VAT loan is usually tailored to fit the VAT needs of the borrower.

Firstly, to get a good idea of your business, we need to discuss your circumstances over the phone, including your VAT liability, payment deadline and your current financial situation.

After this initial consultation has been completed, we will be in a position to explore with you the most acceptable options and move forward on application. We aim to work with you to ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently, negotiating on your behalf with the lender to ensure you get the best deal. If everything checks out, the funds are deposited into your bank account to allow you to settle your VAT or tax bill and the repayment plan is activated.

Because VAT loans are a specialist product, they are short-term, usually for a period of months. Once the VAT loan has been paid, you begin to make repayments – including the agreed-on interest to the lender every month until the total amount is complete.

Some lenders may require that you secure the VAT loan with business assets while others can provide an unsecured loan. However, failure to meet your repayment obligations can lead to fines and can also put your business into jeopardy.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a VAT Business Loan?

At Fast Forward Finance, our eligibility criteria are not as complicated as that of conventional lenders. Our partner lenders will typically require that your business be registered and operating in the UK; that you must have operated for the approved minimum period (usually 3 years); that you have a pending VAT payment; and a clear plan on how to repay the loan. Some lenders may also require that you have a good credit rating.

Business Loan Calculator

To ensure that you understand what taking out a VAT loan will cost your business, we have prepared an easy-to-use VAT business loan calculator that you can use to understand your VAT loan commitments.

This calculator will give you an idea of your monthly repayments, possible interest rates, and any additional fees. Please enter the relevant details in the fields provided to see how much a VAT loan will cost your business.

What’s the Typical Interest Rate for a VAT Business Loan?

The average interest rate for a VAT business loan tends to be around XXX% to XXX%.

VAT Business Loans for Bad Credit

We understand that when you need funding for your small company, poor credit history can mean real problems. Thankfully we know lenders who are willing to provide the financing you need under the right circumstances. They will accept applications from your company, even if you have a credit history which is less than ideal.

We aim to work with you to understand the challenges you have encountered in the past and use our experience to help you find lenders who are most likely to provide you with the funding you need now. We then help you apply, giving you a good chance of being approved for the funding you need.

Still have Questions?

Please contact us or call us now on

Some of the Sectors we lend to:

  • Retail businesses
  • Bars and restaurants
  • Hotels and B&Bs
  • Hair and beauty salons
  • Dentists and opticians
  • Vets
  • Auto garages and MOT centres

How does the Application Process for a VAT Business Loan work?

  • It starts with a short online application where you provide relevant information about your business that will allow us to check your eligibility.
  • If you are eligible, we then review your details and talk to some of our partner lenders to see if we can get you a suitable VAT loan package.
  • If our partner lenders are okay with your business details, we send you a quote, and if you decide to go forward with the application, help you complete a full application.
  • Our lenders then review your application and notify you of their decision as soon as possible.
  • If everything checks out and your application is approved, a VAT loan deal that includes the terms of the loan will be offered.
  • If you decide to go forward with the loan, the relevant contract will be provided for your signature and the funds paid directly to your bank account.

What can you use a VAT Business Loan for?

Corporation Tax

In small businesses, paying huge VAT bills at once can be difficult to handle, particularly if you haven’t been able to save enough money over the year. Failure to make the payment will result in the implementation of fines which can add up quickly. This is one situation a VAT loan can remedy. You can apply and get a VAT business loan and use it to pay your corporation tax while spreading the repayments over months.

Quarterly VAT

If you are planning for your quarterly VAT return and owe HMRC VAT, this is a major business responsibility. If you owe these VAT payments, plan ahead to ensure that there is enough cash in the company. Don’t worry if things didn’t go to plan – VAT financing is a secure source of cash.

VAT on Property Purchases

Commercial assets are also licenced with VAT, which means that when they are acquired, VAT must be charged upon them. If you are already depositing a significant deposit to secure a commercial mortgage, paying VAT on the purchase price can be tricky too. We may be able to provide unsecured loans for the purchase that are repaid at quarterly return when the VAT is recovered.

Quarterly Rent

Do you rent premises for your business? Many small businesses pay rent on their business premises or property quarterly – but less regular payments mean that when the bill is due it is a bigger lump sum out of your bank account. A VAT business loan can also help in this situation.


If your PAYE is due and you don’t have the money on hand, you need to quickly raise money. We aim to work with you to raise the money in as little as 24 hours, depending on your circumstances.

How Quickly can I Take out a VAT Loan?

VAT loans can be quick and easy to arrange, with lenders often willing to lend based on your tax bill and current turnover proof. We strive to have facilities which can complete your initial application in as little as 24 hours.

The Benefits of Getting one of our VAT Business Loans

Control of Cash Flow

Cash flow is an essential part of any company, but at times it can be difficult to manage large expenses on a regular basis while still maintaining overheads. This is where a short-term financing strategy will boost your cash flow and ensure your company doesn’t have to experience cash-flow troubles.

A VAT loan will then allow you to use your working capital in other important business areas.

Unsecured Lending

Because VAT loans are unsecured loans, they are not as risky as other financing options because if you can no longer repay the debt there is no risk of losing any money. These can also provide more flexibility than secured loans, with lenders opting to provide flexible terms of repayment of anything from a month to three years.

Protects your Working Capital

Since VAT and tax finance allows you to borrow the funds you need to fix your tax problems, it prevents you from having to make use of your own money. That means your finances remain intact and you can continue to make use of your resources any way you see fit.

As a result, this gives you a solid basis on which to further your business goals. VAT and tax finance, therefore, provide you with an indispensable buffer, which gives you the courage to continue investing in your business and to achieve a sustainable future.

Fixed Monthly Payments

Taking out a VAT loan will help you plan for a lower payment than you would otherwise, which can greatly relieve the financial strain on your business.

Flexible Repayment Terms

Given the current economic climate, we believe that providing fixed monthly payments over a period of 3 months to 5 years can provide you with a critical cash injection that can give you a competitive advantage as you can then use existing funds elsewhere within your company.

If your business does not have ample time to pay the VAT bill, the use of finance facilities can be tax-efficient borrowing, because the repayments can be balanced against taxable income.

Decisions in as Little as 24 Hours

This form of financing includes a fast application process and easy transfer of funds once the loan has been approved. In general, decisions are very fast with us striving to provide expert support and funding can be made available within a day or two.

Faster Payment Transfer

HMRC can now accept payments made through our VAT Loan Service. This will allow you to make online payments faster, usually via internet or telephone banking, so they can be processed on the same or next day.

Quick and Simple to Arrange

It’s not uncommon for buyers to be unaware that a commercial property deal would require VAT to be charged until late in the sale process. This could put a person in a position where quick cash is needed. Luckily VAT loans can be done easily and in a very short time, which means you don’t have to postpone completing the contract.

Payments can be made to the HMRC Directly on your Behalf or to your Bank Account

Our lenders can pay out your entire HMRC bill directly with a VAT loan, after which you make three or more monthly payments to settle the loan. Therefore, if you need another VAT loan to hold your HMRC debt in the next quarter, the advance can be drawn upon again.

Simple Documentation – E-sign Capability Available for Speed of Service

A VAT loan in the UK is easy to arrange in most circumstances and the loan paperwork is structured to be clear, and transparent with every part of the loan terms made available to all the parties involved. And what’s more, you don’t have to sign the loan in person as most lenders allow borrowers to attach an e-signature, making the process as easy and as seamless as possible.

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Does not Utilise Existing Banking Relationships

Our lenders may give support to your company through VAT business loans, even if they have never had a working relationship with us in the past. We consistently endeavour to be supporters of small businesses and are passionate about helping your company cope with any major financial challenges.

Option to use as a Rolling Facility (Subject to Approval)

VAT loans have been structured to help companies handle daily business expenses, offering options for spreading costs with a loan arrangement, including by standard 3-month rolling times.

Why Choose Fast Forward Finance for a VAT Business Loan?

Unsecured Loans Available

Many types of unsecured loans are available which we may be able to help you secure at a reasonable interest rate. So, if you don’t have assets to tie the loan against, we may be able to work out something for you. Get in touch to find out how.

No Early Repayment Fees

If your business situation changes and you have the means to pay off the loan before the end of the loan term, you are free to do so. There are no early interest fees and once you have signed up we don’t jack up the cost of the loan midway through the term.

Flexible or Fixed-term Payments

Our range of loans is aimed at providing peace of mind for all business owners, with affordable interest rates and flexible repayment terms. This means that you don’t have to worry about putting your cash flow under pressure when you get a loan deal from us.

Fast Funding

With Fast Forward Finance, you get a decision quickly and it doesn’t affect your credit score. In fact, in as little as 24 hours, you can get funding if your loan application is approved.

Fair Decisions

At Fast Forward Finance, we strive to ensure that everyone has easy and fair access to funds when they need them. We work with lenders directly to provide short-term loans covering a wide range of circumstances.

We’re Easy to Work With

We aim to be easy to work with and our professional brokers always put the needs of the customers first. Whether you are a first-time borrower or a returning customer, we endeavour to go out of our way to ensure that you have a pleasant experience with us.

Stellar Customer Service

Fast Forward Finance is committed to customer satisfaction at the highest level.

From the initial meeting, we offer a custom broker service, identifying your business finance needs and then assisting you with your query, which leads to finding the right lender, right through to drawing the funds and beyond.

Transparency Every Step of the Way

Fast Forward Finance is a brokerage service that believes in transparency. When you work with us, you are in the know about every aspect of the loan deal from the beginning and there are no surprises in the future.

Dedicated Account Executives

Once you sign up, you are assigned a dedicated account manager who will be in charge of your account and provide all the expert help you need. This professional will be your contact person and will give you the full advantage of their experience and expertise at every step of the way.

How to Apply Online for our VAT Business Loan

We have made finance easy for companies. Our online application process takes as little as 10 minutes to apply for a VAT business loan, and there is no needless paperwork or frustrating lengthy delays.

Simple Qualifications

The qualifications needed to apply for a VAT business loan are simple. You just have to be a registered UK business with operations within the country and have the relevant financial records to show proof of your business situation.

Easy Application Requirements

While our lenders may scrutinise the financial status of the borrower, it is possible that little or no specific focus will be put on credit ratings or other approval requirements.

Super-fast Approvals

Instead of the lengthy and frustrating delays waiting for an approval decision, applicants will experience super-fast approvals and once approved, the funds are transferred to their business bank accounts within a matter of hours.

Want to Check your Eligibility Before you Apply

Want to check to see if you qualify for a VAT business loan with Fast Forward Finance? Using the basic eligibility form provided, you can verify your eligibility to apply for a loan. It is quick and user-friendly.

Still have Questions?

Do you still have questions you need to be answered? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any of our expert financial brokers. Call PHONEXXX to speak to someone today or send an email to EMAILXXX. We look forward to hearing from you.