No Credit Check Business Loans

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*Rates and fees may need to be reviewed to reflect current market conditions. 

Welcome to Fast Forward Finance

Are you looking for a suitable business loan for your business or you are a business owner simply looking for some specialist advice? Fast Forward Finance is a business loans broker in the UK that specialises in helping small businesses and businesses with poor credit gain access to suitable business financing. Here at Fast Forward Finance, we’ve endeavoured to cut the red tape to make having a short-term loan simpler and cheaper than ever before, whether you have a perfect credit score, or not. Get in touch today and take advantage of some expert advice.

A Trusted Capital Source for over Xnumber of Businesses

Over the years, we have supported and helped countless businesses when it comes to securing business finance even with less than impressive credit ratings. This has undoubtedly made us one of the trusted sources for business capital in the country.

Our record speaks for itself, which is why more and more companies are looking to Fast Forward Finance for their company financing needs.

We strive to understand the challenges businesses face when starting and trying to grow a company, that’s why we consistently aim to work tirelessly to sustain our amazing approval rate and make sure that access to funding is as painless and as trouble-free as possible.

A Proven Track Record in Providing Business Loans

Here at Fast Forward Finance, we have an impressive track record of helping eligible businesses get the loans they need to meet their business needs irrespective of their credit rating.

With our network of independent lenders and decision-makers, we endeavour to offer broader and more competitive access to business loans that focuses more on the viability of your business than on the strength of your credit.

If you need funds to set your business back on its feet but feel your credit standing may be a hindrance, get in touch with us to see if we can work out something for you.

Our Business Finance Specialist Team

It can be difficult to obtain a business loan if you have a bad or poor credit history. Difficult but not impossible.

Here at Fast Forward Finance, we strive to have one of the best teams in the industry, made up of professionals who understand the business loans system and can look for ways to access funding that are not otherwise available to the general public.

Our business finance specialist team has a combined XXX years of experience and so try to be in the best position to solve your business finance situation. Why not get in touch today to discuss your business finance needs in detail?

Still have Questions?

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Can I get a Business Loan with Bad Credit?

Absolutely. Truthfully, getting a bad credit business loan is difficult, but here at Fast Forward Finance, we aim to have a range of options made available by our partner lenders.

Whereas conventional lenders such as banks, loan providers and credit unions tend to see things in black and white, we understand that in most cases, your credit standing is not a reflection of your business.
This is why our lenders look more at the viability of your business and the security you are willing to put up when you are looking for a business loan with bad credit. If you have a poor credit rating or your business is not old enough to have left a credit trail, talk to us so we can explore business loan options that can suit your situation. Call PHONEXXX to get started.

Borrow up to XXX with No-credit-check Business Loans

If you need capital to run your business, you may be able to borrow up to £XXX for between 3 to 24 months without any credit check. Our partner lenders offer both unsecured and secured borrowing options to eligible businesses and if approved, you can receive funding in 48 hours or less.

The loans come with flexibility, including options to make early repayments without penalties, and repayment holidays from some lenders. In addition, you will get ongoing support from your very own dedicated account executive.

Understanding No-credit-check Business Loans

A no-credit-check business loan is a form of business finance where the credit score is not considered by the lender during the application process. It is usually short-term lending, so may be a bit more expensive than other alternatives.

Business loans which do not require credit checks work in a slightly different way. With these financing options, lenders rely more on other aspects of your business, such as your business cash flow, business viability, the purpose of the loan, length of the loan, and the security you are willing to put up, to decide whether to give you funding or not.

No-credit-check loans can also work for new businesses in the UK. These businesses are too young to have a credit record, but that should not be a reason to deny them funding if they meet the other requirements.

Quick Approvals for Bad Credit Business Loans

We partner with a variety of lenders, offering business finance solutions that can be tailored to your business needs as a business owner.

We try to be always receptive and fast-moving, so you can expect a decision to be made very quickly. In fact, you can get a decision just a few hours after applying and an agreement in principle within the same period once you meet the lender’s requirements.

Unlike when you apply for a business loan with a bank or conventional loan provider and have to wait for a long time to get feedback, Fast Forward Finance can accelerate the process and work with you to put everything in place so that you enjoy the quick approvals we are famous for.

Can you get an Unsecured No-credit-check Business Loan?

Yes, you can. Our lenders make their decisions based on your company’s performance, and not just your personal or business credit history.

Of course, getting an unsecured loan is difficult, even more so when you have poor or no credit, but as we endeavour to be expert business loan brokers with industry experience, there are a range of options available to us that are not available on the mainstream market.

So, if you have a poor credit score and are unable to receive a business loan, you may be able to meet the financial needs of your business by applying for unsecured business loans via Fast Forward Finance.

Unsecured business loans are available to business owners who have no security to secure the loan against and who have a less than perfect credit rating. However, the interest rate of these loans is higher than the ones for borrowers with security or good credit.

At Fast Forward Finance, we may be able to very easily arrange unsecured business loans and may be able to arrange one for you. To find out how this works and talk more about the options, call PHONEXXX to speak to one of our experts today.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a No-credit-check Business Loan?

Although there are no fixed ‘standard’ conditions for business loans, there are a couple of basic considerations that most lenders want to know when evaluating your business. When applying for a loan, here are a few things to bear in mind:

  •     The loan amount must not be more than 25% of your annual turnover.
  •     Your business must be profitable.
  •       You must have more than 24 months’ business history (for most lenders).
  •     You must have no outstanding CCJs, late payments or insolvency proceedings
  •     Your business must be registered and based in the UK.

All of these factors enable lenders to create an image of your firm. Generally speaking, lenders are reluctant to lend more than 10% to 20% of your annual sales and may like to see enough revenue history to prove affordable, and a short history of business operations (less than 2 years) will make it more difficult too.

If you’d like to find out more about your eligibility for no credit check business loan, the easiest way to find out your options is to talk to one of our experts.

Still have Questions?

Please contact us or call us now on

No-credit-check Business Loan Calculator

Our no-credit-check business loan calculator is an excellent tool for those who want to find out what this loan will cost their business. It can also be useful for those just starting their funding process.

The business loan calculator will help you find out whether the loan you want is affordable each month for your company and give you an estimation of how long it will take you to pay back your business loan and how much you can expect to pay each month.

Get started in your search for a no-credit-check business loan by calculating what one will cost you so that you can make an informed decision.

What’s the Typical Interest Rate for a No-credit-check Business Loan?

Because of the greater danger they pose, the interest rates on bad credit loans are higher than on other forms of loans. There are also penalties for late payments.

Because a no-credit-check business loan is a specialist product, interest rates vary by lenders. To get actual rates to compare with, request a quote for a no-credit-check business loan here on our website.

What are the Benefits of a No-credit-check Business Loan?

It can help you to Improve your Credit Rating

Getting a poor credit score is a source of concern for people when they apply for loans.

Not only can you be rejected for a loan when you have a poor credit score, this rejection can also further damage your credit standing. However, with a no-credit-check business loan, you have a chance to improve your credit rating when you keep to your repayment schedule. This is why it is recommended that borrowers make payments on time to boost their credit score. This way, you’ll have a good chance to develop a solid financial reputation.

Fast Approvals

Unlike when you apply for a business loan via conventional lenders like banks and loan providers, the loans we aim to arrange at Fast Forward Finance are usually quickly approved. We try to understand that businesses need instant access to cash in order to stay afloat and we pass on this urgency to the lenders we work with.

No need to Worry About Credit History

Conventional lenders are notorious for turning down borrowers, even without taking note of significant changes such as income increases that should otherwise influence their decision, but our lenders aren’t bothered about credit reports. We understand that a business may have poor credit but huge potential for success.

Receive Flexible Terms

Poor credit loans can be tailored according to your needs.

With our lenders, you may qualify for flexible repayment terms which cannot be obtained elsewhere. Our goal is to help you set up your business credit, not keep you in debt.

Your Credit Won’t be Impacted

Since there is no credit check, even if you are turned down for any reason, it will not affect your credit rating.

This is significantly different from regular loans where rejection can affect your credit rating.

Efficient for Emergencies

A no-credit-check loan is an ideal funding solution for businesses with emergency expenditures that need immediate payments.

Fast Cash Influx

Bank loans are reputed to have a long processing time. Fortunately, you could get a bad credit business loan within a week or less when you apply to an alternative lender. As long as you can meet the lender’s requirements, you stand a good chance of getting the funds you want quickly.

High Approval Rates

With a no-credit-check business loan, businesses have a high chance of meeting the lenders’ criteria and requirements and this means high approval rates – especially when compared to other loan options.

You have Options

You don’t necessarily need to put your properties up for collateral to get a poor credit business loan. Because of that, you should consider unsecured business loans. They’re not only flexible in the types of choices available but they may not require that you secure the loan amount against personal or business assets.

You can Borrow Large Amounts of Money

Among the benefits of bad credit loans is that you’ll find that you can qualify for huge sums of money. Even if you have bad credit, you can still apply for a large loan as long as you can meet the lender’s criteria. The important thing is that you can pay it off and have a steady income that can cover the monthly payments.

Some of the Sectors we lend to:

  • Retail businesses
  • Bars and restaurants
  • Hotels and B&Bs
  • Hair and beauty salons
  • Dentists and opticians
  • Vets
  • Auto garages and MOT centres

How does the Application Process for a No-credit-check Business Loan work?

  • A short online application that contains relevant information about your business will allow us to check your eligibility.
  • If you are eligible, we review your details, send you a quote, and if you decide to go forward with the application, help you complete a full application.
  • Our lenders then review your application, and notify you of their decision as soon as possible.
  • If all checks out and your application is approved, a loan deal that includes the terms of the loan and all relevant details you need to make an informed decision will be provided to you.
  • The funds will then be paid directly to your bank account once all the papers are written and signed.

What can you use a No-credit-check Business Loan for?

Funding Business Expansion

One way you can use your no-credit-check business loan is to use the funds to scale up your business or enter more viable markets.

Sort out Emergency Repairs and Upgrades

Sometimes your business gets hit by accidents which require immediate attention. In such a scenario, a no-credit-check business loan can come in handy to handle the cost of repairs and replacements so that you can get your business back on its feet.

Sort out Emergency Bills and Dues

It doesn’t just have to be equipment failures and accidents that require immediate cash.

At times, critical bills and responsibilities such as energy, water or main supplies require urgent funding and funds from a no-credit-check business loan can be a business saver.

Why Choose Fast Forward Finance for a No-credit-check Business Loan?

Unsecured Loans Available

At Fast Forward Finance, we try to make unsecured business loans available without the necessity of a perfect credit rating or collateral. Apply today for a decision in hours and funding in as little as two business days.

No Early Repayment Fees

We at Fast Forward Finance strive to provide business loans arrangement services designed with small businesses in mind. Customers can repay their loan early with no penalty and increase the loan amount up to their credit limit.

Flexible or Fixed-term Payments

With repayment options ranging from 6 months to 5 years, we endeavour to offer a versatile business loan to suit your exact needs. If you need your loan to be fixed and repaid over a certain period of time or want something more flexible that can allow overpayment and early repayment, we will strive to work hard to ensure that we have the ideal financing solution.

Fast Funding

With Fast Forward Finance, you may get a decision quickly without affecting your credit score. And in as little as 24 hours, you may get funding if your loan application is approved.

Fair Decisions

We always try to be committed to assisting our clients in making the best financial decisions. The lending decisions are based on the overall health and business plans, not just a credit ranking. This means that you can expect our underwriters to make fair and rational decisions on all loan applications. Meet the criteria, qualify for a no-credit business loan.

We’re Easy to Work With

Our professional brokers consistently aim to be easy to work with and always put the needs of the customers first. Whether you are a first-time borrower or not, we strive to go out of our way to ensure that you have a pleasant experience with us.

Stellar Customer Service

All over the industry, Fast Forward Finance has consistently aimed to be known for providing stellar customer service and value-added support. It doesn’t matter what your needs are, we aim to offer our expertise and experience to see that you don’t make a mistake in business funding.

Transparency Every Step of the Way

Fast Forward Finance believes in transparency. This is why we try to make sure to let everyone know every aspect of the loan deal from the beginning so that there are no surprises in the future.

When you want a loan broker without hidden fees, call Fast Forward Finance.

Following the FCA Rules

Since we are a loans broker and not a direct lender, our job is simply to help you find the right lender and loan deal. To provide you with the best option and ensure that you have peace of mind, all of our partner lenders are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and will thus meet any rules concerning responsible and ethical loan practices.

Dedicated Account Executives

You will benefit from a dedicated account manager to direct you and answer all your questions through the application process. This individual will be your contact person and you can take full advantage of their experience and expertise to clinch a suitable loan deal.

How to Apply Online for one of our No-credit-check Business Loans

Applying for one of our commercial loan plans is very straightforward and stress-free, and boasts the following three characteristics.

Simple Qualifications

As always, our qualification criteria are simple and attainable. You can apply for a no-credit-check business loan as long as your company operates in the UK and can demonstrate proof of profit, have a good plan to repay the loan and can show sufficient equity as the security (for loans that require security).

Easy Application Requirements

You may not need to submit a business plan and definitely don’t have to undergo a credit check – we just need to assess your business’s health to see how well you qualify to apply for a loan.

Super-fast Approvals

Instead of waiting weeks or even months for a decision, successful applicants can enjoy super-fast approvals and the funds transferred to their business bank accounts within a matter of hours

Want to Check your Eligibility Before you Apply?

Want to check to see if you qualify for a no-credit-check business loan with Fast Forward Finance?

Using the basic eligibility form provided, you can verify your eligibility to apply for such a loan. It is quick, easy and, above all, free.

Still have Questions?

If your business is searching for a no-credit-check business loan, our team will be happy to discuss the various loans available to you. Get in touch today to get answers to your questions or simply get expert advice.