Business Loans Up to £50K

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Welcome to Fast Forward Finance

Fast Forward Finance is a fast-growing and independent commercial loan broker in the UK. We help businesses in the country source and secure suitable business loans of up to 50K, focusing on flexible terms and competitive rates.

At Fast Forward Finance, we try to partner only with some of the best lenders in the industry and continuously aim to source the best business financing offers for our customers.

If your business can do with a cash infusion of up to 50K, then get in touch with us to explore business loan options so that you can keep your business afloat and gain the competitive advantage in your industry.

A Trusted Capital Source for over Xnumber of Businesses

Since YEARXXX, Fast Forward Finance has been arranging specialist loans and have raised more than XXX million for qualified businesses. This has made us one of the trusted sources of business capital in the UK with hundreds of satisfied business customers.

At Fast Forward Finance, we work hard to make sure that as many of our customers receive the funding they need to keep their businesses functional as possible – and at competitive rates too.

If you are looking for business funding of up to 50K to handle business projects, join our X number of satisfied business customers that we have helped to secure much-needed business loans.

A Proven Track Record in Providing Business Loans

Fast Forward Finance is an experienced company for when you’re looking for a loan of up to 50K to handle pressing cash-flow issues in your business.

Over the years, we have tried to provide high-quality loan brokerage and advisory services to hundreds of businesses and have tried to establish a proven track record of securing business loans for qualified businesses.

As business loan consultants, we are well aware of the challenges associated with meeting funding requirements for growing businesses, but we also strive to offer extensive expertise that can be brought to bear in any business loan situation. With a £50,000 loan in your business accounts, there will be no pressure of insufficient working capital and you will be able to keep business operations running smoothly.

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Our Business Finance Specialist Team

At Fast Forward Finance, we aim to have one of the smartest and most experienced finance teams in the industry. With a combined XXX years of experience, you want these professionals in your corner when you are seeking a loan for your business.

Our expert Business Finance department is always available to assist, whether you need advice, or just want to run an idea by us. We are proud of the fact that our team loves to work with our customers and really cares about their financial and business health.

Borrow up to 50K with Fast Flexible Business Loans

Augment your cash flow and boost your day-to-day business activities with a 50K loan negotiated at competitive interest rates by Fast Forward Finance.

Can you get an Unsecured Business Loan of up to 50K?

Sure. With a collateral-free business loan of £50,000, you can take your small company to its next level.

Our partner lenders offer unsecured business loans specifically tailored to meet the specific needs of small business owners, and as long as you have a viable business, a good credit rating, and can meet the criteria of the lenders, you may be able to get the 50K loan your business needs to grow.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a Business Loan of up to 50K?

Minimum funding conditions are that your business must have been running for at least 3 years and you must be able to produce records of sales of at least XXX per year.

The business must have proper financial records, bank statements, and not be subject to any CCJs or insolvency proceedings – this condition may vary by lender. All businesses that meet those requirements can apply and we assess applications on a case by case basis.

Business Loan Calculator

A business loan calculator is a vital resource for someone who wants to apply for a business loan. Without the business loan calculator, you may not be able to tell what the overall possible expense of your loan may be and this can result in you making an expensive business mistake.

It is crucial to know the overall cost of the loan because it can be the difference between success and debt. You can calculate precisely how long you will need to repay the loan back for with our user-friendly business loan calculator, how much you will need to be able to actually pay back and how much it will cost you in total.

What’s the Typical Interest Rate for a Business Loan of up to 50K?

The average rate is 8.73% APR, so if you borrow £50,000 for 60 months at a rate of 8.40% (fixed) per annum, you will be expected to repay a total of £61,405.10.

This is just the industry average to give you an idea of what the interest rate for loans of up to 50K looks like. We can explore and compare multiple lenders to help you find a competitive interest rate and better terms when you need a 50K business loan. Why not get in touch to talk about your business loan needs?

What are the Benefits of a Business Loan of up to 50K?

By borrowing only a small amount of capital for temporary use, business owners never have to worry about over-borrowing or overpayment interest. You know that you are only responsible for the funds you need to accomplish a particular target with short-term funding.

A 50K loan can be a perfect solution for temporary financial problems such as cash-flow issues or capital injections that are usually required in a business’ early stages of operational growth.

Additionally, 50K loans can sometimes be a cheaper option than conventional bank loans. This is because short-term loans are often easier when it comes to borrowing money on a temporary basis than taking out a longer bank loan, even though the APR is higher on the short-term loan.

Approval decisions for business loans of up to 50K are usually based on the cash flow of the business and where the loan is approved, payout usually occurs within one working day. This is a lot more convenient than applying for a loan from a bank or lending institution.

Some of the Sectors we lend to

  • Retail businesses
  • Bars and restaurants
  • Hotels and B&Bs
  • Hair and beauty salons
  • Dentists and opticians
  • Vets
  • Auto garages and MOT centres

How does the Application Process for a Business Loan of up to 50K work?

Initial Application

To start the application, click the Application tab. We will ask for more information about your company to ensure we fit you with the right lender. Please be prepared to provide us with information about your business, some specific documents, corporate and personal financial records, income tax reports, and a business plan.


The lender may use different criteria to qualify you for financing and also to evaluate terms of repayment. This is the underwriting stage and is also used to determine whether borrowing money to you will be risky to the lender.

Businesses that the lenders see as a huge risk may not go beyond this stage.


This will take a while for the lender to review your application. If accepted, you will receive a quote from the lender via Fast Forward Finance with the terms and conditions of your loan, so that you can then accept and proceed with the application or decline if you are not satisfied with the terms.

Contract Signing

The appropriate forms will be sent to you for signature. We will also need to work with you to complete further steps if any are necessary.


Once the lender receives all he needs and it all checks out, the money is transferred to your account.

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What can you use a Business Loan of up to 50K for?

A £50,000 small business loan could be everything your small business needs to expand. It can help pay for things like machinery and rent costs, amongst other uses including:

Purchase inventory – Your business can use a loan of 50K to purchase vital inventory that is needed to keep up production and competitive advantage.

Emergency uses – You know as a small business owner that part of your business day is dedicated to putting out small fires. Such emergencies often require funds. With a 50K business loan, your business will be well positioned to handle any emergency that comes up.

Make payroll –As you may know, a small business owner has no bigger obligation than ensuring that their employees’ pay is covered. Often a small business owner can take a short-term loan to cover labour costs when cash flow is short, because the alternative is to make payroll late, which is never a good idea.

Hire more staff – A small business loan can provide the working capital you need to take advantage of your increasing client base while you are experiencing growth. This can be channelled to hiring and training of the staff you need to handle an influx of customers.

Tax obligations – Paying taxes on time is crucial to ensuring that the company is in good standing with the government. Default in paying taxes could result in a fine being imposed on your company. You can take advantage of a 50K business loan to avoid late tax payments.

Take advantage of opportunities – When a new business opportunity presents itself, you can take advantage of it and benefit when you have 50K in ready cash.

Day-to-day expenses – Keeping things running smoothly in your business requires time and resources. You can use a 50K loan to help fund the day-to-day operating expenses.

Marketing – It’s imperative to get new customers in the door to grow your business, and keep existing customers loyal. Marketing is one of the best ways to develop business, whether it’s through social media, newsletters, events, or more conventional paid media. Companies may use their 50K loan for marketing purposes.

Fund business expansion – Entrepreneurs seeking to expand their already profitable company will need the extra cash boost to get their expansion project off the ground.

When a business owner has a good business plan, sufficient security and a good business structure they can apply for a business loan, and if everything checks out at the lender’s end, get the cash they need in a matter of days.

Build Your Business Credit – If you intend to apply for larger-scale funding for your company in the coming years, starting with a smaller, short-term loan can be a good way to develop your business and boost your credit rating.

Small companies will find it hard to apply for larger loans because both the company and the owners have to have a good credit background. Taking out a smaller loan and making on-time payments helps build the credit rating for the future of your company.

Education and training – Spending money on education and training, whether for yourself or your staff, will encourage you or them to work more intelligently and become more driven, always a great investment for the business.

Taking out a loan for your company can be scary. However, many times, a small business loan is just what you need to help you achieve a milestone in your growth. So long so you invest the money wisely, taking out a loan will produce good returns and business success.

Why Choose Fast Forward Finance for a Business Loan of up to 50K?

Unsecured Loans Available

At Fast Forward Finance, we understand that business owners might need a loan but do not have sufficient security to back the loan. This is where our unsecured loans come in.

Unsecured loans allow you to borrow the funds you need without securing the loan amount against any of your business asset. However, this loan is usually given to clients with a strong credit background. To find out if you are eligible for an unsecured loan of 50K, call PHONEXXX to speak to one of our experts today.

No Early Repayment Fees

You can choose to pay off your debts early as your company grows and your cash flow improves. You won’t be charged any penalty for early repayment when it comes to paying back your loan, which will provide you with the opportunity to save a lot of money on interest payments.

Flexible or Fixed-term Payments

Pricing and payment terms at Fast Forward Financing are both quick and straightforward. In fact, you can choose between a fixed and flexible payment system that best suits your business finances. All you need to do is let us know how you want to handle the repayments and we will source a lender that can accommodate you.

Fast Funding

At Fast Forward Finance, we work with lenders that have a fast funding system. As long as everything checks out once your loan application is approved, you can expect to receive the funds in your account within one or two working days. In some cases, same day funding can be made available as well.

We’re Easy to Work With

Our Business Finance Brokers are honest and easy to talk to, and whether you want to talk about your loan needs or simply make an inquiry, the best of all our employees will be available to discuss your options at any time.

Fair Decisions

The days of lengthy applications and jumping repeatedly through hoops to secure the financing your SME needs are gone. Fast Forward Finance offers an effective, fair and accurate and lending solution customised to your small business. As long as you can meet the lender’s criteria, you stand a good chance of getting the money you need.

Stellar Customer Service

At Fast Forward Finance, we have a long-standing tradition of putting the customer first. In fact, we endeavour to have our stellar customer service much talked about all over the industry. You not only enjoy our experience and industry expertise when you work with us, but you also enjoy a level of customer service that may not be found elsewhere. 

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Transparency Every Step of the Way

At Fast Forward Finance, we consistently aim to provide a service that is transparent and straightforward. We do not try to con you with confusing terms and conditions. Every aspect of your loan deal is made clear from the onset and you can rest assured that there will be no hidden charges or unpleasant surprises anytime in the future.

Dedicated Account Executives

When you work with us, a dedicated account executive will be assigned to you, who will analyse your financing needs to create your company a personalised financing solution. This individual will work with you to deliver tailor-made financing options for your needs and be with you at every step of the way to ensure that your experience is seamless and hassle-free.

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How to Apply Online for one of our Business Loans of up to 50K

The application for a 50K loan through Fast Forward Finance online is an easy and transparent operation. No paperwork and no hassle. It’s easy and everything happens online. Simply visit the ‘apply for a 50K loan’ link and fill in the relevant fields on the application form.

Be sure to enter all the necessary details so we can get a good picture of your business and loan needs. It there are any follow-up questions, someone will call you on the phone or send you an email. Our application boasts the following three characteristics:

Simple Qualifications

Any size of company can apply and benefit from a short-term loan of 50K, from start-ups to big businesses. As long as you are a registered UK business and meet the lenders’ minimum turnover, you may qualify to get the loan you need to grow your business. Get in touch to find out more details.

Easy Application Requirements

Unlike banks and conventional loan providers, Fast Forward Finance does not need detailed paperwork or require a lengthy application process. So long as you have a computer with working internet access, you can apply for your loan from anywhere and at any point in time.

All you need to do is upload all of your related documents and you’ll be introduced to the process that hopefully takes place in very little time.

Super-fast Approvals

Our lenders have a fast loan approval process and they disburse business loans within a few days of the necessary paperwork being submitted and the loan approved.

Once your loan is approved and everything checks out, you can expect the funds within a few working days. In some cases, same day funding is available.

Want to Check your Eligibility Before you Apply?

Each lender may have a set of eligibility conditions that you must meet to be eligible for a commercial loan. This can range from the number of years your company traded to the annual turnover of your firm.

You can use our clever eligibility tool to find out if you can go ahead with applying for a 50K loan. This tool also provides some tips on how you can improve your eligibility.

Still have questions?

Want to check your eligibility before you apply for a Development Bridging Loan?