Commercial Bridging Loans

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Welcome to Fast Forward Finance

When it comes to commercial bridging loans, Fast Forward Finance is an influential player in the industry, providing an unmatched brokerage service to help qualified applicants get access to fast cash with the least hassle.

The loan products we offer are flexible so as to make everything as simple and easy as practically possible for every borrower we deal with. Our focus is on making the process of getting the funding you need as painless as possible.

When you need to raise quick cash for your commercial enterprise, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to explore your commercial bridging loan options.

A Trusted Capital Source for Over Xnumber of Businesses

Over the years, we have established a reputation as a reliable source for short-term financing for commercial clients in the UK.

We try to organise tailored loan deals between borrowers and our well-funded partner lenders for commercial bridging loans. Our world class personal service and incredibly high closing rate offer a colossal advantage when speed and accuracy are vitally necessary.

A Proven Track Record in Providing Bridging Loans

Fast Forward Finance has a proven track record in fulfilling the transactional and funding needs of our customers. We are always ready to deliver, whether you are seeking a suitable commercial bridging loan or simply making inquiries.

Our strategy combines industry and sector expertise with established commercial bridging loan experience, resulting in value-added services and a win-win for all. Whatever your commercial funding needs are, our expertise and commitment to detail endeavour to make your bridging loan experience as hassle-free as possible.

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Our Bridging Finance Specialist Team

Since year XXX, our specialised commercial bridging loans team has successfully sourced, provided, and advised on bridging loans for countless number of satisfied clients all over the UK.

Our professionals know what it takes to arrange deals from 1 month to 2 years, from hundreds of thousands to multi-million-pound loans, and in most cases, as long as all the requirements are met, funds are released within 48 hours of approval.

What is a Commercial Bridging Loan?

It can often be difficult and lengthy to secure funding to support commercial acquisitions which is why a commercial bridging loan can be the most practical solution.

Commercial bridging loans are short-term financing options designed for businesses that face acute cash-flow issues.

Our commercial bridging loans can be the ideal solution if you are trying to purchase commercial property such as land or offices etc. They can also be used as an instant cash-flow tool for purchasing stock or meeting tax commitments.

What is a Commercial Bridging Loan Secured Against?

As the name suggests, commercial bridging loans are short-term loans designed for businesses and commercial enterprises. These loans are typically secured against commercial properties.

A commercial bridging loan could be the ideal solution if you need quick cash to solve cash-flow problems in your business, take on new inventory, or avoid the penalties of late payments.

For example, if you are trying to buy a commercial property under auction terms and have to finish it within 28 days, a commercial mortgage loan will be virtually unlikely. Nonetheless, a commercial bridging loan can be used to fund the transaction on time.

In such a situation, the loan can be secured against current commercial properties or newly purchased property assets. Some lenders are also willing to grant commercial bridging loans secured against company stock.

What is the difference Between Commercial Property Bridging Loans and Development Finance?

A commercial bridging loan is a flexible short-term lending method that is typically used to bridge a financial gap until more long-term funding is available. These loans can be used for almost any form of property purchase, including acquisitions, upgrades and expansions.

One benefit of commercial bridging is that it can be obtained and structured much quicker than other forms of finance; and depending on the situation, the money may be in the bank within 48 hours, as long as all the relevant requirements have been met. Development finance, on the other hand, is a system primarily designed to fund property development.

It is sometimes used to finance minor construction projects but most commonly used to support whole programmes from land acquisition to all infrastructure planning, building and maintenance work. Development finance is ideal for large projects that will run for the long-term. If your commercial property funding needs is within the range of one month to twelve months, then a commercial bridging loan may be the answer you need.

Can you get an Unsecured Commercial Bridging Loan?

It may be possible to get a limited unsecured commercial bridge loan for a company with good credit history and full financial records, as well as creditworthy directors.

Generally, this form of unsecured business loans is available for lesser sums obtained at shorter terms. If the loan amount or period is high, the lender will typically require some form of security.

Borrow up to £XXX with Fast Flexible Commercial Bridging Loans

You may be able to borrow up to 100% of the total cost of your new property through our commercial bridging loan programme, plus all related costs.

This is particularly helpful if you have bought a property outside of your maximum borrowing capacity but will be liquid enough to repay the loan after you have sold your original property.

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Commercial Bridging Loans for your Short-term Finance Needs

Turning to the bank has always been the conventional solution to the short-term financing area. But in the aftermath of the 2008 credit crunch, several high street banks have made lending more difficult.

Even banks willing to provide overdraft facilities tend to place tight limitations on the overall amount of credit that they will advance any company, making it difficult for businesses to get the funding they need when they need it. Commercial bridging loans on the other hand are perfect for firms in need of a cash injection, but don’t want to be tied to long-term commitments. Many deals are for a period of less than 12 months. With our well-organised commercial bridging loans, you will more than likely be able to fulfil your company’s financial obligations easily and without borrowing for the long term.

Why use Commercial Bridging Finance?

Commercial bridging loans may benefit prospective purchasers of commercial properties who need to fill a funding void. They are also used when:

  • You’re looking to add to your growing property portfolio
  • You are buying your first commercial property
  • An entity is looking to acquire funds

Just like short-term personal loans, commercial bridge loans are designed to provide a short-term funding solution of 12 months or less.

We know that occasionally finding the right price can be daunting considering that there are many options available. That’s why we try to deliver a tailor-made service to help you achieve the best result with your situations.

Who are Commercial Bridging Loans for?

A commercial bridging loan is used primarily for businesses rather than residential property. If you’re:

  • An individual
  • A group (entity)
  • An existing business looking to expand

The loan may be used for:

  • Funding a refurbishment project
  • Financing building from the ground up
  • As a bridge loan to purchase a new property

When Should you use a Commercial Bridging Loan?

Commercial bridging loans can be used when you want to buy a new business, commercial property or buy-to let or even residential property.

Just like with residential bridging loans, a commercial bridging loan can also come in handy when a property chain is broken, or when you want to purchase property at an auction.

In fact, as long as you can provide a legitimate exit strategy, the money can be used to offset short-term cash-flow issues for a number of business reasons, from supplying the company with working capital to covering tax liabilities.

How Commercial Bridging Loans can help your Business

As a business owner, a time may come when you need to consider a fast solution to short-term problems, such as a manufacturer or taxman’s unforeseen bill, or a market slowdown that leaves you with a diminished cash-flow.

You may even find that there is a business opportunity that is too perfect to miss, even though your cash reserves are low. Buying inventory or equipment at a discount price, accepting a new deal that needs immediate cash to fulfil, or simply funding the next phase of your growth plans could all be reasons why you need access to extra funding.

Commercial bridging loans are designed to provide the cash you need anytime you desperately need immediate funds without the long-term commitment. This system of funding allows you repay the loan in a matter of months, reducing the cost of your overall borrowing, and letting you minimise the effect on your poor cash-flow on your business.

How to get the Right Commercial Bridging Loan for your Business

Commercial bridging financing can be used for almost every commercial reason and can offer answers to businesses operating in almost any field. Rates can vary greatly, however, and choosing a lender who can provide the most favourable terms for your company will mean looking at the deals of providers across the entire industry.

Thankfully, a bridging loans broker such as Fast Forward Finance can conduct this search on your behalf, taking into consideration your unique situation. That said, the following will boost the odds of funding the company with the right commercial bridging loan.

  • A strong exit strategy
  • Clean credit
  •   Experience in property
  • A healthy deposit
  • A good security property

Note, however, that some commercial bridging lenders may want to see a business plan to determine the viability of the proposed business. At Fast Forward Finance, our financial expert can discuss your needs, and talk to lenders throughout the short-term business finance market. This means that we may be able to find the funds you need at rates you can afford and help you get the agreement and the funds you need faster

What’s the Typical Interest Rate for a Commercial Bridging Loan?

When it comes to loan rates, there is not one definitive rate from commercial bridging lenders. That is because company loan rates are not as set as with personal bridging loans. The loan rates are agreed upon on an individual basis after all due consideration. In certain situations, this will be helpful, because the loan would be tailored to you.

Commercial loans, for example, sometimes accrue greater interest than a personal loan, but this is not always the case. If you are in the market for a commercial bridging loan and will like access to the best rates, get in touch with us via email or on PHONEXXX to discuss your options. We will endeavour to guide you through every step of the way, asking only for information relevant to your loan.

Commercial Bridging Loan Calculator

At Fast Forward Finance, we understand how difficult it can be for borrowers when different lenders have different loan rates. That’s why we have a commercial bridging loan calculator which can give you an overview of a bridge loan rates, demonstrating how much you can borrow and what it will cost you.

Make use of our user-friendly commercial bridging loans calculator to get all the relevant information you need. If you require more assistance or guidance please contact us on PHONEXXX.

What Kind of Fees are Involved in a Commercial Bridging Loan?

Interest paid on a commercial bridging loan typically range from 0.4% to 1.25%, although that would depend on certain factors.

You will not be expected to pay back the debt in monthly instalments, because interest and capital will be returned during the final repayment at the end of the loan term. There will also be an arrangement charge, a broker’s fee, legal charges, and a valuation fee for the property appraisal, all of which the borrower will be responsible for.

What are the Term Lengths for a Commercial Bridging Loan?

All the bridging loans are intended to be short-term, and typically the lender requires them to be repaid within 12 months or less.

There are longer commercial bridging loan products but the longest you’ll usually find is 36 months. Keep in mind, however, the longer the term you go for, the more you are going to have to pay back at the end.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a Commercial Bridging Loan?

Typically, business owners with physical property assets are considered eligible for a commercial bridging loan.

The business must be operating in the UK, have operated for a particular number of years (at least 3 years for some lenders), show a proper financial record, and have creditworthy owners or directors.

Also, as long as the borrower can show proof of a viable exit strategy, have adequate equity in the property to be used as security and a good business plan for the money, chances are good that a bridging loan can be arranged.

What Type of Security can I use when Applying for Commercial Bridging Finance?

Security is one of the main factors in achieving commercial bridging and each lender may have very different requirements as to what they find appropriate.

Assets eligible for security for a commercial bridging loan may include:

  • All kinds of properties including land, houses, buy-to-let, and undeveloped properties
  • Company Stocks
  • Inventory
  • Company Assets and equipment
  • Account receivables.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Commercial Bridging Loan

Advantages of Commercial Bridging Loans

Bridging finance is quick to arrange: Compared to other forms of financing, commercial bridging financing, which is mostly unregulated, can be incredibly easy to organise. Lenders are fast, flexible and competitive and are known to easily free up funds without lengthy paperwork.

Monthly repayment levels: Bridging debt is mostly financed on the basis of’ retained interest, which means that the payments are added to the overall value of the loan. For businesses worried about current cash-flow this may be quicker and more affordable.

Available for diverse situations: While mortgages are usually only available for residential properties, bridging finance can work for land deals, upgrades, and even building projects where nothing has been constructed yet.

Usually without exit fees: Most bridging lenders prefer to make their money through arrangement fees and interest rates, removing the need for expensive exit fees should there be early repayment.

100% commercial bridging loans: A limited number of lenders offer 100% commercial bridging Loans, as long as sufficient security is in place.

Disadvantages of a Commercial Bridging Loan

Bridging loans are intended only as an alternative or short-term financing solution. Also, the interest rate is high compared to other lending forms, and should not be seen as a long-term alternative.

Having an exit plan in place is necessary, as the bridging loan would have to be repaid at the conclusion of the negotiated term and defaulting can have expensive results.

What can you use a Commercial Bridging Loan for?

If you are purchasing a new business, industrial property or residential property, an industrial bridging loan may be used.

In addition, commercial bridging loans can be used to acquire virtually any kind of commercial property. This may include brownfield properties where permission has not been granted for development, broken down industrial premises that are impossible to get mortgages on under current circumstances, or to finance or launch a new small business.

Commercial bridging loans can also be helpful when a property chain is broken, to meet auction payments and so on. In fact, as long as you have a viable repayment plan, the money can be used for a number of business purposes, including offsetting short-term cash-flow problems, buying inventory and paying unexpected tax bills.

Why Choose Fast Forward Finance for a Commercial Bridging Loan?

Unsecured Loans Available

Unsecured loans are types of loans that do not require security. The lender may not ask you to pledge your properties as security, however, they will check to confirm that you have a stable source of income and a good credit rating. Only then can you apply.

At Fast Forward Finance, we may be able to get unsecured loans for applicants that meet the relevant criteria. 

No Early Repayment Fees

The benefits of commercial bridging financing are many, but the most noteworthy is that the borrower usually benefits from the fact that there are no penalties for early repayment. However, while we do our best to get lenders that don’t charge early repayment penalties, some lenders may actually have early repayment as part of their lending policies, but we will let you know about this ahead of time.

Flexible or Fixed-term Payments

Because the loans we arrange are completely flexible and tailored to individual circumstances, you can pay them back at any time. You can choose to pay every month or schedule a fixed payment system with the lender.

Fast Funding

Our partner lenders offer quick financing of commercial bridging loans, typically in less than 48 hours of approving your application, so you can meet your financial obligations and go back to running your business.

Fair Decisions

The typical main street lender will carry out a number of background and credit checks for every loan application, and in most cases reject many applications.

At Fast Forward Finance, however, we only work with lenders that are known to make honest and fair decisions concerning short term loan applications, based on the applicant’s exit plan and security.

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We’re Easy to Work With

One of our advantages as a bridging loan broker is that we are very easy to work with.

We do not follow the same approach as traditional lenders and facilities, which is why many people come to us.

Stellar Customer Service

If you need top-quality customer service, you can always rely on Fast Forward Finance.

Whether you want to connect to ask questions, apply for a quick bridging loan, or check the status of your application, our customer service is professional, friendly and always endeavours to put the customer first.

Transparency Every Step of the Way

At Fast Forward Finance, our clients and partners can vouch for the transparency of our processes and the integrity of our company. We aim to be known for providing high quality and value-added services at all times.

Following the FCA Rules

As an independent loans brokerage company, we follow the FCA rules for loans and other financial transactions.

Dedicated Account Executives

Here at Fast Forward Finance, it doesn’t matter how high your loan is or how long the bridging loan lasts, each client has a dedicated account manager who is always on hand to ensure that you have a seamless experience. These executives will accompany you through every step of your commercial bridge loan process.

Some of the Sectors we lend to:

  • Retail businesses
  • Bars and restaurants
  • Hotels and BnBs
  • Hair and beauty salons
  • Dentists and opticians
  • Vets
  • Auto garages and MOT centres

How does the Application Process for a Commercial Bridging Loan work?

A typical commercial bridging loan application process involves the following steps:

An initial online application detailing the loan amount, personal details, and few other details. An inquiry into the business’ finances will be carried out determine if the business is a viable. We’ll ask for your exit strategy details to determine if you will be able to repay the loan when due. We will locate the perfect lender and ask them to begin the application process· You will obtain a decision after completing the application process.

If your application is successful, validation and release of funds will occur shortly thereafter, but it will be helpful if your business has a strong financial history and good security.

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How to Apply Online for one of our Commercial Bridging Loans

Applying for a loan with us could not be simpler. All you need to do is apply via our online application form, fill in all of the details that we require, hit submit, and we will be in touch with you before you know it with our decision.

Simple Qualifications

Because commercial bridging loan is a special loan product, the qualifications tend to vary by lender.

Lenders however typically look less at the credit and financial records of the investor and more at the investment’s quality and profitability. This means that whatever lender you end up with, you can be sure of hassle-free application requirements.

Easy Application Requirements

Commercial short term loans also require much less documentation and are simpler, shorter and it is easier to complete applications. At Fast Forward Financing, that is certainly the case. Our application for the loan is easy and trouble-free.

Super-fast Approvals

The good thing about all commercial bridging loan products is that the process is usually fast and seamless. In fact, a conditional offer can be on the table within a few days of the original application once all the relevant due diligence has been observed.

Want to Check your Eligibility Before you Apply for a Commercial Bridging Loan?

Before applying for any loan, it’s important you check your eligibility.

You can check your eligibility to find out if you qualify to apply for a commercial bridge loan. Simply enter in your details in the form to get started.

Still have questions?

Want to check your eligibility before you apply for a Development Bridging Loan?